Dr. Karin Wieland is a senior researcher for process intensification at the Competence Center CHASE GmbH (Vienna, Austria) where she focuses on the application and optimization of vibrational spectroscopic methods along with chemometric data analysis for industrial PAT applications.
She received her PhD degree in Technical Chemistry from TU Wien in 2019. During her time in Prof. Lendl’s group (TU Wien), she applied Raman and infrared spectroscopy for imaging and characterization of biological samples at the micro- and nanoscale which she further deepened during her 6-month research stay at NIST/CNST (Gaithersburg, MD) working on nanoscale imaging of drug-containing nanocarriers by means of photothermal induced resonance (PTIR) spectroscopy.
Dr. Wieland also pioneered the combination of Raman spectroscopy with ultrasonic particle manipulation for increased in-line sensing sensitivity and selectivity in PAT applications.
Before joining CHASE in 2021, she was as a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Analytical Chemistry (TU Munich) working on the development of a Raman-based antibiotic susceptibility testing platform, the design of microfluidic cells, aerosol analysis, and in-line Raman spectroscopy for lipid profiling in bioprocesses and continuous flow reactor chemistry.