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Institute Colloquium



Dr. Thomas Chaigne

All-optical photoacoustic imaging towards single-cell resolution deep-tissue calcium imaging for neurobiology

March 6, 2025

Start: 2 pm

Venue: Foyer at Leibniz IPHT


Contact person: Mario Chemnitz

Thomas Chaigne received his PhD with Sylvain Gigan and Emmanuel Bossy at Langevin Institute and Kastler-Brossel Lab, where he combined wavefront shaping and photoacoustic imaging in order to focus light inside scattering media, and investigated super resolution in photoacoustic imaging.
Between 2016 and 2018 he did his postdoc in in Benjamin Judkewitz's lab in Berlin, working on hearing capabilities in tiny transparent fish.
Since January 2019 Dr. Chaigne works as CNRS research fellow at the Institut Fresnel in the working group Mosaic on “Photoacoustic imaging for neurobiology”.

Combining optical excitation and ultrasonic detection, photoacoustic imaging has emerged in the last decades as a very powerful technique to provide high resolution images of optically contrasted objects embedded deep inside biological tissue.
After presenting the basic principles of this modality, I will discuss the technological key points that remain to be addressed regarding the ultrasound detection systems, and will present the last techniques that we developed in our group to approach single-cell resolution for deep-tissue calcium imaging.

Caption: blood vessels from the forearm of a human subject, acquired by all-optical photoacoustic tomography

The lecture will be given in English.